Our History

The History of Lakeview Market
Since our doors opened in 1946 Lakeview Market has built a loyal following in the community. Bill and Barbara Jones bought the store in 1968 and have continued to serve customers with the same values of delivering a high quality product at a fair price. With his charismatic style of customer relations, Bill Jones worked alongside our manager Ed Desjardins for upwards of thirty years, both meeting customers' needs. In 1980 Lakeview expanded from a 6000 square foot building formerly located in the corner of our current parking lot, to the 14000 building where we are currently located. Despite damage from a fire in 2003, and subsequent rebuilding, Lakeview continues as a family owned and operated business with many core staff employed for 20 plus years. Many customers have shopped here for decades and continue to appreciate the little store with more.

Bill Jones (1929 - 2010)
It was always Bill's dream to own a grocery store. He never wanted to expand and become a grocery mogul, rather he wanted to come to his store everyday and greet those who shopped here. His easy way of connecting with shoppers and people in the community lead him to be a well-known and well -liked figure in Kelowna. His sudden passing while on vacation in Hawaii in 2010 was a profound loss to all who knew and loved him.
"Let his infectious laughter forever echo in the walls of this store."